Sunday, June 20, 2010

Did anyone lost hair due to medication?

Did your hair grow back again?

Did anyone lost hair due to medication?

I did..

It comes back- usually stronger, don't worry :)

Did anyone lost hair due to medication?

when i was in turkey i used this cheap shampoo (lol. what can i do the commercials made it seem ok :P) anyways... when i used the shampoo a couple days later my hair began to fall out more than usual and stuff everybody said its ok and stuff so i said whatever.

half a month past by or so

huge clumps of hair came out i swear...

like hairballs, every second every day it was soo annoying... thankfully my mom noticed that it was really getting bad so she went out and got medicine, then after that some natural shampoo that worked really well, and some serums.

eventually it got better and my hair stopped falling apart i didnt have bald spots because my hair was really thick and nice before... now its just thin :P

oh well


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