Thursday, June 17, 2010

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn

is he biting in the same areas, or all over?

usually dogs who nibble at their feet are experiencing allergies. it's a good way to tell.

my dog started biting her fur out of the back of her tail, back of her legs, belly and sides last year. after 2 different vets and lots of different treatments, it turns out she had:

a) vaginitis

b) tapeworms (from eating fleas)

c) pollen and/or grass allergies

she was given meds for a %26amp; b and a shot of prednazone (sp?) for the itching. she stopped biting her fur and it grew back. this summer, she started again. i immediately took her to the vet, got the meds (just in case), and she seems to be doing better.

in the meantime, i give her Benadryl for allergies occasionally if she seems to be itching too much, and i treat the affected areas with a topical anti-itch cream i got at the local drug store.

hope this helps.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

Are you sure your dog doesn't have a flea problem? My dog is doing the same thing, and I'm sure it's fleas. You schedule another appointment with your vet.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,


My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

it could be allergies, believe it or not animals are susceptible to this

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

Could be a flea problem. Could be allergies. Talk to your vet about allergy meds.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

Yeah, my husband did the same thing. The vet said it could be lum-puckeroo. I'm still watching him.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

It could be allergies. It could also be something like arthritis. Did the vet say anything other than it isn't mange? If not, you need to find a new vet.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

Its probably flea's. Table scraps don't help any.

Get some frontline plus my dog put on 5lbs the scratching stop and the hair came back twice as thick. It will take 3 months to see a difference. But you have to use it all year.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

I have a dog doing the same thing and he either has fleas, which I know he has a few and we are battling them or he may have nerve problem. If it is fleas good luck we have used every treatment from the drops that you run down their back to a good flea collar to baths every other day follwed up with something to prevent the skin from drying out. We have even bug bombed the house and are still battling it is getting a little less but I wanted it gone. Good luck and I hope you find out what is wrong with your dog.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

Your dog could be in pain or have allergies. I would first pet the dog gently and feel for any lumps and note any sensitive areas. If the dog doesn't seem to be in pain then I would check for fleas or other insects (use a magnifying glass and look for black stuff on the skin). Try putting aloe (sunscreen aisle) on one area and see if that doesn't help some. I'd take the dog back to your vet or a different vet and have them check it out. No sense letting your dog be miserable.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

hey may be alergic to flies. check for fleas or mites.

of some other alierge.

may also just be bord try more walks, toys and attention.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

it sounds like either allergies or fleas. your vet should have figured that out. maybe you need a new doc for your pet.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

It could also be yeast -- this is commonly overlooked as a reason for these symptoms -- and very easy to fix. Best Luck.

My dog is losing his hair, and clawing and biting himself, we took him to the vet, they said it wasn't mange,

My grandma's dog went bald because of fleas. He would constantly scratch himself. They gave the dog an allergy test- turned out he was allergic to fleas.

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