Thursday, June 17, 2010

When a man starts losing his hair?

what's the best thing he can do? cling into it with a comb over or shave that melon to the wood?

When a man starts losing his hair?

Shaved....and everywhere else ;)

When a man starts losing his hair?

a tattoo of a spider

When a man starts losing his hair?

Shave is the best approach. No comb over.

When a man starts losing his hair?

Yippee we have a new bowling ball.

When a man starts losing his hair?

Gracefully accept it.

When a man starts losing his hair?

comb overs are disgusting, i perfer a shaved head

When a man starts losing his hair?

hats look cool...make a fashion statement

When a man starts losing his hair?

Shave it off.

When a man starts losing his hair?

Tatoo rabbit's all over his head because from a distance rabbit's look like hairs.....

When a man starts losing his hair?

shave it. or just cut it short. I don't mind a bald man...or a balding man...just no donald trumps please

When a man starts losing his hair?

99.9% of the time I think it looks much better when a man just shaves his head completely bald rather than having a bad combover, bald spots and patches of hair.

When a man starts losing his hair?

a nice glaringly obvious syrip, shows he has a sense of humour and doesn't mind folk taking the piss

When a man starts losing his hair?

keep it bald... i find it sexy in a man

When a man starts losing his hair?

Use Minoxidil.

When a man starts losing his hair?

Shaved or short.

When a man starts losing his hair?

Hey, if its thinning that much, shave the melon rind down to the pink. Comb overs are ridiculous. Mine isn't quite there yet, but I am thinning and all during the warm months, I have a much hair as a cue ball. I shave it all off. I only let it grow during the winter months for a little insulation. Besides, I cut my own hair and save tons of money that way.

When a man starts losing his hair?

he is getting old............but not to worry because 'old is gold'.

When a man starts losing his hair?

A combover and a rug are as ridiculous on a man as a padded bra is on a woman. Hair implants on a man are as pathetic as breast implants on a woman.

One option to going chrome-dome is to keep it VERY short on the sides and back, about 0.5cm (1/4inch), the "Jean Luc Picard" cut. There's still hair there, but it makes the thin stuff on top look like more or the bare patch on top look better.

It works especially well if you're physically fit, you look more like an athlete. It works for me since my employer won't let me work bald; I teach kids.


When a man starts losing his hair?

Shaved, waxed and tattooed. I was thinking on the level of a tattoo that changes with the lighting. In the morning your head looks different than in the evening. After-wards a good hot waxing is required for that aerodynamic look.

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