Sunday, June 20, 2010

My young cat is slowly losing its hair, there are bald patches on her neck and tail she is itching a

virtually pulling out her fur. the other cats seem unaffected and all are on the same diet.

My young cat is slowly losing its hair, there are bald patches on her neck and tail she is itching and is?

Hair loss in cats can be caused by quite a few different problems. I will try to list a few skin problems that may be seen or causing this and then explain how your veterinarian can help.

Hot spots - During certain times of the year some animals can develop hot spots or inflammation, infection and swelling in the skin. Hair loss is one of the typical signs of this problem. These can be caused from allergies the cat may have, or other irritants the cat may be exposed to as well.

Sarcoptic/Demodectic mange infestations - Mange is another skin condition that can be seen in animals, although not as common in cats. Sarcoptic mange (demodectic mange is more localized and usually seen in the facial/ear/toe areas of the animal) is caused by sarcoptic mites which inhabit the skin/hair areas causing them to fall out.

Ring worm - This fungal infection can cause hairloss and small lesions on the cats skin. It's also transferrable to humans.

Talking with your veterinarian and having them perform what's known as a skin scraping analysis will help to find out what is going on with your cat and some of the problems involved. They will scrape off a little bit of skin, check under a microscope for mites, and analyze the sample for yeast/bacterial infections.

Your veterinarian can also provide you with medication once a prognosis has been made in order to help ensure that this problem is eliminated if possible.

Secondary infections - The fact that your cat is being very aggravated by the areas and openly messing with them also gives way to a secondary or bacterial infection of the areas. When you see your vet, they may or may not prescribe you with some antibiotics if this does occur.

Since the other cats have not been affected by the problem, I would probably go with some sort of allergic reaction or irritant that is causing the problem.

Check with your vet, and find out for sure.

Hope this helps!

My young cat is slowly losing its hair, there are bald patches on her neck and tail she is itching and is?

Most likely to be a flea allergy or eczema,the vet can easily help you with this.

My young cat is slowly losing its hair, there are bald patches on her neck and tail she is itching and is?

take the cat to the vet. sounds just like allergies. animals can have allergy problems just like people. that's probley wat it is with the season change.

My young cat is slowly losing its hair, there are bald patches on her neck and tail she is itching and is?

Allergies are one possibility, ringworm and mange are a few others. Fleas can even cause this type of thing. (even if you don't see fleas)

Skin problems generally spread fast and some are contagious to other pets or even to people. Skin that is being scratched often is also very likely to become infected and compound the problem that you started out with.

Please get this kitty to a vet soon so that you can get her started on the appropriate treatment. Problems like this usually do not resolve on their own.

**What one cat is allergic to, another may not be. The fact that the other cats are eating the same food and not affected does not mean that the food could not be the problem.

My young cat is slowly losing its hair, there are bald patches on her neck and tail she is itching and is?

Maybe she has fleas. You need to go to the pet store and get some really good flea medicine. That is probably why your cat is scratching and losing it's fur.

My young cat is slowly losing its hair, there are bald patches on her neck and tail she is itching and is?

Hair loss is a symptom of something else going on with the animal. She might be allergic to fleas. One flea can make a cat itch and scratch to the point of hair loss. If this is the case, she needs to be treated for fleas and have a shot of cortisone to stop the itching.

She might also have ringworm, which is not a worm at all. It's a fungal infection that is highly contagious. If her hair loss is due to ringworm, she needs to be put on an oral antifungal drug that your vet must prescribe and may even need to be to be shaved. If you have other pets, they need to be treated for ringworm even if they don't have symptoms. Depending on how severe the fungal infection is, she may need to be shampooed twice a week with an antifungal shampoo prescribed by your vet. Also, if she is diagnosed with ringworm, you should have her combo tested for Feline Leukemia and FIV.

Again, there are many causes for hair loss. Only your vet can tell you what's wrong with this kitty. Please take her to the vet.

My young cat is slowly losing its hair, there are bald patches on her neck and tail she is itching and is?

As some have already suggested, it's advisable to bring your kitty to the vet as soon as possible! The vet will be able to determine the cause of the infection and give your cat a proper treatment and advise on how to prevent your other cats to get infected if it is infectious.

One of my cats is a gingerstripe and at a stressful period he had similar symptoms as your cats. His fur was coming out, he had bald patches at several parts of his body and kept licking himself. Turned out to be a fungal skin infection, due to excessive licking. The excessive licking was caused by the stress and my cat's skin was sensitive. I got medication to apply and it took quite a few weeks before the infection was totally gone and the hair started growing back again.

Good luck with your cat!

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