Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

okay so the past few weeks i think i have been losing hair or something

because in school there is always hair on my desk and its really embarrising everyones like.. why do u lose so much hair

idk whats happening

im 13 btw

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

dont worry about it. on average, a person can lose up to 60 hairs a day... yours just probably fall in front of you where you can see them.

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

i do to but it grows back

i think its just natural

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

birth control pills ? allopecia?

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??


Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

Wash your hair carefully with shampoo and make it sexy.

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

average hair loss per day would be about a hundred. it's normal to lose hair so don't fret about it. you can also try to go to the salon or something to help strengthen you hair and you could also drink vitamins.

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

Go to the hairdressers and ask her what is wrong. This happened to me except not as extreme. My friend, who also had this happen to her, used a special shampoo her hairdresser recommended to her. It really worked.

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

Not getting hair cuts like destroyers your hair. and who cares god so you lose some hair?

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

i think its cause of the weather cause my hiar is like shedding too, or if your wearing your hair in ponytails all the time if its too tight it pulls your hair out

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

after using a hair styling gel wash you hair with hot water and don't use hair dryer and maybe it could be of the shampoo you usetry diferent type

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

take some vitamins. this has happened to me before alot. vitamin E helps. it makes you hair stronger and shinier. your hair is probably falling out due to stress or the lack of vitamins in your body

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

Proberly your diet.... do you eat alot of junk and less greens and other fruits and vegetables. Especially in a young age you need to eat more of these to maintain healthy hair growth. Also do you use gel or tie your hair too tight????? x

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

Bad nutrition? How much do you wiegh? How tall are you?

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

well I'm going through the same thing and I'm 14 but it could be stress if a exam is happing or it could be hormones

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

Stress can make you lose your hair. Have you changed your shampoo or conditioner that could also be a reason why. Maybe you need some vitamins to make your hair strong. Our you losing your hair at the root of it is braking. If it at the root maybe you should see a doctor. And tell you mom about it maybe she has ideals

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

i used to have a problem like this when i was your age

possible reasons why you are losing a lot of hair:

-you wear your hair up in a pony tail too often and too tight. so wear your hair down more often than you wear it up

-your hair is not conditioned enough and dry. i've been told to condition hair every other day, but i condition every day, after i shampoo.

-you are stressed. so, dont worry so much, you are so young!

don't forget to comb your hair in the morning before you go to school and at night before you go to sleep.

and just remember, that is it natural to lose some hair here and there

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

Maybe the weather or the shampoo your using.

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

It is perfectly normal, to loose about fifty hairs per day. Considering your long hair, it may look like quite a bit.

However, one cause of hair loss, is PCOS, i.e., polycystic ovarian syndrome, also known as functional hyperandrogenism. It is the most common endocrine disorder of human females, between puberty and menopause. It affects six to ten percent of the cited population.

Other symptoms of PCOS, in addition to hair loss, are: acne vulgaris, hirsutism, irregular periods, and weight gain above the waist. If you think you have this condition, it is essential, to put yourself, under the care of a competent endocrinologist. The condition is very treatable, with nutrition, supplements, exercise and medication.

Please, don't hesitate to send me a message, if you have any questions regarding PCOS.

Ummm am i loosing a lot of hair??

You most likely have alopecia.

Your hair falls out and you can stay balled from 1-5 years or forever. It is caused when your body attacks hair cells thinking they are invading the body.

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