He said this happened before,but it went away.the cats are real clean and dont go outside,and he has no fleas in his house,and he has flea collars on them,anyone no what could be wrong?
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
My cat pulls out the hair on her back end when she's stressed, and it causes scabs. has anything happened to stress the cat? Also flea collars aren't the best for preventing fleas. He should get a topical treatment like Revolution and Frontline.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
flea colors are useless. revolution or a similar product is the only type of product that works.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
It could still be fleas. Flea collars aren't the most effective preventative and if the cat is allergic to fleas, just one flea bite can make him itch like crazy, causing the hair loss. It could also be a food allergy, but I'm betting on fleas.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
Could be mange
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
Firstly, flea collars kill cats and you should use revolution instead. It could be part of the problem. It could be a different parasite. Take the cat to the vet. If it were happening to a child then no one would stall taking it to the doctor.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
ok, one cat has more sensitive skin than the other. He needs to use a sensitive shampoo, for the other cat.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
I would also guess fleas that are hiding well (check the face and ear area) or a reaction called flea allergy dermatitis from a previous flea bite. Ditch the flea collar as well... sometimes they cause more problems instead of prevention.
If he is scabby, your brother needs to watch the cat because that could easily turn into infection. A vet visit is not going to hurt either
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
It is possible that this is fleas however my dog had the same problem and he just had an allergy his are patches not his whole ack i also think that mites could do this but not certain.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
He could have skin allergies and is losing the hair due to scratching it (which would also explain the scabs). I have usually only seen this with flea allergies, but he could be allergic to something (maybe even his flea collar). Also, flea collars are not a good treatment for fleas. If you really want to make sure he doesn't have any, I would recommend getting him on advantage or frontline.
If it really isn't flea related, I would call his vet and either make an appointment or find out if you can try benadryl and how much to give.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
Flea collars are completely useless, I bet they do have fleas. Put one on a light-colored surface and rough up the fur thoroughly. If you see little black flecks fall off that will dissolve in water into red streaks - the cat has fleas.
If the cat in fact does not have fleas, then it is suffering from severe allergic dermatitis from something else, possibly skin mites, fungal infection, staph infection, and so on.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
It may be ringworm, it's definitely not fleas.
Do the scabs form circles?
If so, that could be it. He needs to take kitty to the vet. Ringworm is easy to treat, it just takes time and patience.
BTW, ringworm is not actually a worm infestation, is a form of fungus, in the same family as athlete's foot.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
my friends cat had that, you have to take it to the vet.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
Mine has the same thing but is starting to get better. I think it is from an allergy. But I didn't know what she was allergic to. Then I changed to a different type cat litter about a month ago. After that her scabs are going away and are almost all gone. She had the pine pellets before but now she has a dust free clumping kind made from corm. They can be allergic to many things. Also, a vet can do a skin test to tell you for sure if that is the cause.
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
This sounds crazy I used to work in a vet and we seen a number of cats with anxiety disorders when something changes they freak out and pull their hair out and eat scabs it is weird I know but we always put them on anti-psychotic medication, also my cat has bald spots on his legs and they were checked out and okayed by my vet. I would just call the vet they will likely tell you something and give you an estimate. GOOD LUCK!
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
My brothers cat is losing its hair on its back end and getting scabs on its back,what could be wrong?
Its either dry skin or dandruff. Some people put vaseline on the dry spots. My male cat keeps scratching the back of his left ear until it bleeds and then he gets a scab there. My mom told me its dry skin and told me about the vaseline. He's also losing fur on his back by his tail. You should probably call and ask a vet to make sure though.
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