Sunday, June 20, 2010

My 3 year old dogs is osing hair do ya'll know y???

I have a 3year old chuiuia and he has pretty long brown hair. He is losing hair by his tail and he keeps on biting at it. I have looked and there are scabs and little red spots down ther. Last year we took him to the vet and he said it was just allergies, because he had the same problem. We gave hime benagryl and that kind of worked. The problem is worse now and i don't know what too do I don't have enough money to take him to the vet so i'm asking ya'll.

My 3 year old dogs is osing hair do ya'll know y???

1 flea bite can cause this. It's allergies to fleas.

Bath him good, spray your area, Then buy some Frontline spray for him %26amp; apply as directed.

My 3 year old dogs is osing hair do ya'll know y???

Maybe it has dandruf.

My 3 year old dogs is osing hair do ya'll know y???

Thank god they arent losing thier heads

My 3 year old dogs is osing hair do ya'll know y???

You might need to change his diet try rice and chicken only, it might be his food if not check him for fleas he might not have any but it will only take one to cause a reaction

Good Luck

My 3 year old dogs is osing hair do ya'll know y???

I got a "second hand" pekingese that had similar symptoms and it turned out to be mange. It's tiny parasites that get under their skin and you can treat it at home with a special shampoo. Hope this helps, have a great day.

My 3 year old dogs is osing hair do ya'll know y???

spray some fly spray into some toliet paper and rub over the area,it sounds like he has mites on his tail and as the mites chew on him, it is irritating him and thats why hes chewing on his tail. careful if may very sore

My 3 year old dogs is osing hair do ya'll know y???

To help ease the itching for your dog while the scabs heal would be to use an Oatmeal Rinse/Conditioner made for dogs. Your vet can recommend a good one for you, I think it may be called Relief, but I cannot remember. I bought one bottle for 19 dollars - but it latest a year and through both my dog and my neighbor's dog's allergies.

Another thing my vet let me know when one of my dog was having an allergic reaction to mosquito bites, was to buy the cheapest allergy pills (the genetic Wal-Mart brand Equate is good) out there - and give him 1/2 of one in the morning and the other half at night - for 3 to 4 days. And that helped him get over it.

Since it's only the one spot - the folks above may be right about a flea bite. If it was in other places, and you had a Westie, I'd have to let you know it could be the dog's diet.

Meanwhile, when you have funds again, find a vet you can talk to. They will be able to find relief and answers for your dog's future problems.

My 3 year old dogs is osing hair do ya'll know y???

It is flea allergy dermatitis. Get some revolution or advocate and treat the dog, also get some pills to treat him for tapeworm as they are carried in the fleas and ingested when the dog bites the flea. Tapeworm can be serious not only to your pet but to you. Keep your dog flea free ALWAYS. Once they have the flea allergy, one bite will cause it to flare up again, then you run the risk of other complications and it can end up with thickened skin and the hair will never grow back, fix it now.

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