Saturday, November 28, 2009


I know its common for some women to lose hair 3-4 onths after giving birth, but when does it stop? It almost seems like its the beginning of baldness for me and im only 20, and I have really long hair and hte amount Im losing a day really worries me.


Get some folic acid from the pharmacy vitamins section of the grocery store. It's a B vitamin and they are small and cost only $ 4-$5. 00 a bottle. March of Dimes recommened it for pregnant women because the developing fetus has first dibs on all your vitamins and minerals.


i don't know see the Doctor


I had a baby 6 months ago and I was losing tons of hair for a few months. It stopped coming out when my baby was about 4 or 5 months old. Don't worry about it. It is perfectly normal for your hair to go through cycles, especially before, during and after pregnancy. Hormones control everything.


I was constanty clogging the tub after my son was born! My doctor says it seems like more because my hair is so long. He said not to worry unless I noticed my hair becoming thinner, not to go by how much was coming out but by how much is still there. Changing hormones cause you to lose it so it should be easy to fix with medication if there really is a problem. Mine stopped around 6 months, but I'm sure everyone is different. Good luck with the new little one!


I was pretty scared too. I have a lot of hair, but I lost so much. It does stop though. I would guess that it should stop for you very soon. I stopped after about 4 months with both of my pregnancies. My youngest is 4 1/2 and there are no lasting effects from it, the hair grew back just fine.


well after both my son and daughter were born i had full thick hair dudring pregnanyc and until nowadays i shed tons daily...but remeber the longer the hair the longer it will take for it to go back to normal (which is my prob, i have waist lenght hair) but hormones screw your hair growth and it takes a LOOOOONG while to get back to normal...if you want to or can try a new do! something shorter, that'll stop the shedding!


well dat happened to my mom...her hair is still falling out and she had her last child almost 5 years ago.


I must tell you that you should immediately consult doctor.Also read this for more information


After I had my son I lost hair like crazy until he was 4mths old.

My dr said its was due to me not taking my prenatal vitamins (breastfeeding or not he said your supposed to take them until 6mths post partum). I started taking them again and the hairloss slowed down and then stopped all together.


Been there, done that.

I lost massive amounts of hair after my last two babies. I was terrified and my hair really thinned out. My Dr. said it was normal and to keep on taking my prenatal vitamins. Once I upped my vitamins the hair loss slowed and then my hair began to grow back.

I have really long hair and I ended up with a layer of really short hair like a halo around my head. Two years later and now the layer is about shoulder length.

I do understand the worry. I was shedding like crazy. My hair was incredibly thick and afterwards it was noticeably thinner.

Vitamins vitamins vitamins.

good luck and it will be OK.

Enjoy your baby.


I have really long hair and started loosing it at 5 months. My daughter is 10 months and i stopped but I'm also prego again so that may have stopped it. yes you loose a lot of hair but you have to remember that since your hair is long it looks like a lot more than what it is. You won't go bald!!!


Your hair gets thinker when you are pregnant! (hormones plus the vitamins) so after you give birth everything goes back to normally. during pregnancy you probably noticed that you did not loose as much hair as you used to. then you get used to your hair being thick and full! On average you loose about 100 hairs per day. when loosing that many hairs per day, makes your hair seem thinner but everything is normal.


I had my baby a year ago and my hair didnt fall out too much until it got longer. It is a normal thing to happen. You are taking all these vitamins and eating well and different hormones running through you and once the baby is born you lose alot of it and the hair sheds because during the pregnancy it grew in healthy and thick. IT is normal for it to shed for a few months. The body just needs to balance itself out and then it will stop


Yes, it is common to lose hair a few months after having you baby. Have you done anything out of the ordinary - chemicals or color? Are you under stress or getting enough sleep?

With my last child my hair just came out. At first I did not pay it any attention because you are going to lose hair after having a baby. But it got so bad I basically had to cut it very short. My hair was shoulder length. Now I am nearly bald.

My suggestion to you is to look at what you are putting on your hair - has it changed from what you were originally doing? If it has not stopped, you may need to cut you hair to stop the falling out.


some to degree of hair loss is normal during and after pregnancy, its caused by your hormones. If its alot of hair I would speak to your doctor, hair loss can be a sign of many issues stress being one of them.

Hair Loss...Quick question?

Hi im 19 and have been losing hair for the past couple of months but have just begun to grow chest this even possible...Am i balding or is there an imbalance of chemicals in my system. I've also lost a total of 50 pounds within this past yr...could this be a factor. Please help.

Hair Loss...Quick question?

These are common events when happening by themselves, however because they are occurring at relatively the same time you should consult a doctor. Don't get nervous, it may just be coincidence! Stay well.

Hair Loss...Quick question?

If you lost the weight through diet, that could be the reason. My friend (who is a girl, but still) went on a diet and lost 90 some pounds. She started losing hair, and her doctor told her there wasnt enough fiber in her diet, and then told her to increase her protien as well.

Oh and I thought of something else... if you have a bunch of vitamin C in your diet it deffinatly causes hair loss. People think vitamin C is the greatest thing but way too much causes hair loss and other SERIOUS health problems.

So if it is a diet thing, then you can correct it.

Please help! Hair pills for the rest of my life?

Hey... I have an oily scalp so today i bought this multivitamin which contains biotin, zinc, copper, the usual. To stop my oily scalp and promote hair growth. However, I want to know if i will be dependent on these pills for the rest of my life, or no. It's just a multivitamin right? Please help! If i will be dependent on these, please tell me if i have to stop, i DO NOT want to be dependent on these pills! please help! And also if i am not losing hair, WILL IT CAUSE ME TO LOSE HAIR? i'm really DESPERATE! Please help me! God bless you...!

Please help! Hair pills for the rest of my life?

ask your doctor. i had an oily scalp. wash your hair really clean everyday :)

My boyfriend is losing his hair?

What is the best thing to stop this from happening? He is only 22!

My boyfriend is losing his hair?

Well, the best thing for him to do would be to see a doctor and get a prescription for propecia. I was losing my hair before the age of 22 and since I started using it my hairloss has stopped completely. It really works and the sooner he uses it the better.

My boyfriend is losing his hair?

Rogaine or see a doctor.

My boyfriend is losing his hair?

I would try to accept this. There is little you can do about it. Unless you have money for a hair transplant.

My boyfriend is losing his hair?

Sometimes theres nothing you can do to stop things like this, it may be genes. You can try something like Men's Rogain Foam to stop hair loss. He also might have some type of disease or sickness.

Hair loss??why is this?

i'm 13 and have been losing hair for the past few weeks.. i even cut my hair a couple of inches and layered it.. is it the heat?coz it's like 30 degrees celcius where i live?any vitamins i can take.. my hair is pretty im kinda worried..coz almost every time i just tug at my hair about 1 or 2 strands come out....

Hair loss??why is this?

maybe ur thyroid gland. See ur Dr. 4 blood test.

Hair loss??why is this?

You seem to be very young for your hair to fall out. I suggest that you have your mother take you to the doctor. They will have at least a better idea to what's going on. It could be a number of things.

Hair loss??why is this?

hair loss is normal but maybe its heredity

Hair loss??why is this?

stress, change in diet,medicines,can all take effect. ask your doctor . its normal to loose up to 100 strands a day

Hair loss??why is this?

its the heat

Hair loss??why is this?

Truly speaking hair loss is a very common problem that most of the people nowadays suffer from. There are several reasons for that. Might be it gets dirty very frequently, might be there are too much dandruff in your hair, or any other problem. There are several treatments no doubt but I would suggest you to consult a hair or skin specialist in this case. You can try a treatment. Make a pack with Amla, shikakai, shoeflower and tulsi leaves. Grind them all....apply thrice a weak...keep it in your head for half an hour...and use very light shmapoos to wash it off. It is really a very good pack to resist ordinary hair fall. But if it doesn't work and if you experience continuous hair fall then it is best to take no risk and consult a specialist.

Hair loss??why is this?

Please don't worry!!!

I've worked in the hair industry for several years and have had hundreds of people ask me this question.

Avergae hair loss is VERY normal. Especially for a 13 year old girl who is probably going through hormonal changes.

You have to understand that the avergae person loses up to about 100 hair a day. This is completely normal.

Seeing hair in the shower drain and on your clothes is normal, so don't let it stress you because stress actually causes more hair loss.

If you feel that you are losing way over 100 hairs a day then you should go see a doctor.

But I wouldn't worry about it because I have known hundreds of girls and women who overly worry about this.

It's not heat, its not any styling products, its natural.

Please read the following website, its very helpful:

Hair loss??why is this?

Where Ya Been Losing This Hair?!??!??

Hair loss??why is this?

your hair is shedding...its very normal for your hair to shed atleast 100 strands a day...maybe you notice it more because your hair is longer...but our hair sheds just like a cat or a dog...don't worry about it:)

Hair loss??why is this?

Severe hair problems may cause anguish.Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo.Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well.More such remedies at

Hair lost. head skin infection??

My hairs are lost and many patches of about 1-2cm width are form in the whole head. The hair pores(from wich hairs grows up) are comletely closed. when i rub my finger in that patches, i feel very smooth surface without any pore. plz help me i m very worried about this.

Hair lost. head skin infection??

You should definitely consult with a dermatologist about this. But by the sound of the symptons, it may be alopecia, which a good friend of mine had recently. His hair has almost completely returned.

Check out the wikipedia definition of alopecia:

Hair lost. head skin infection??

Okay, here's a good news/bad news scenario.

GOOD NEWS: It could be a simple fungal infection. You'll need to visit the dermatologist and see. If it is, there are several creams you can get to help fight it.

BAD NEWS: It sounds like it could be Alopecia Areata. Did the hair loss happen suddenly, or gradually? If that's the case, I don't believe there's much that can be done about it, but it's been a few years since I was diagnosed. Still, go see a dermatologist and find out what's happening.

Hair lost. head skin infection??

Sounds like alopicia, my son had it too. they say stress can bring it on.

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

I am worried about my hair..i mean the damage is bad...i know its stupid but i am having hair anxiety...has anyone here every had to do get their hair cut almost every week as a result of damage? I have cut my hair 3 times in the last month...because i don't want the huge their a shampoo or a conditioner i can use if i am losing hair? i know its from dying my hair..but also from my medications as well...i take Pentasa and Imuran and they both cause hair loss...

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

I take a medication that also has a risk of hair loss and damage and my doctor advised me to take vitamin supplements that contain zinc and selenium to help not only PREVENT the hair loss, but also to help the health of my hair in general!

Also make sure to use a DEEP conditioner and hot oil treatments once a week to put the moisture back into your hair that it lost during dying. And STOP dying it! LOL If you DO have to dye your hair, just dont bleach it and go to a salon that uses moisturizing hair dyes and conditioners!

Good luck and I hope that helps!!

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

Hey dont feel bad. There was one point where I had just gotten my hair dyed blonde and decided 2 days later to go brown.. but did it myself! I turned my hair RUST ORANGE!! Report It

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

Literally... it was the color of Ronald McDonalds hair!! LOL So, my hair stylist had to bleach ALL the color out of my hair (until it was WHITE) and put color back INTO it!! What an ordeal that was!! Let me tell ya... I learned my lesson!! Report It

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

Luckily I have very THICK, strong hair that has proven tough through the years... but I DID stop bleaching it and started going with colors instead (b/c they have moisturizers and dont do as much damage!!) Maybe think about that?? Report It

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

Mine has been EVERY COLOR but I finally settled on dark brown (my NATURAL hair color.. go figure! LOL) Good luck! Report It

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

Try using Nexus shampoo and conditioner. Or Redken. These helped me in the same situation.

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

try a protein treatment - VO5 shower works is amazing at preventing breakage

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

for hair loss (hair falling out) use Nioxin shampoo. You can find it in salons. It really works. I used it when I had hair loss and it really helped.

Use a good quality conditioner. Aussie makes a product called three minute miracle. This too works well. You want something that has a deep conditioner. Otherwise Pantene has a line of products especially for blondes, brunettes, and red heads. Good luck!

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

I use Herbal Essences which you can find at a local store. They make so many different shampoos and conditioners, it's amazing! They make them for curliness, straightness, waves, breakage, hair damage, and so much more. When you use it you can tell the difference.

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

it it most likely from dying ur hair so much.. there is different kinds of shampoos and so on .. is try natural shampoo dont try harsh kinds.

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

yes cutting your hair will help. stop doing anything to it. blowdry, especially iron! and start nourishing it! start to put hair remedies in it at least every other day.

about the hair loss they do sell things to help that but speak to a profesional about whats best for you

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

find a great hair dresser. Someone who really knows what they are talking about. You may have to ask around.

The big chop may be your best answer. You may need to cut above the damage. Also shorter hair would weigh less and might stay rooted longer. but I would check with a professional.

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

if your hair is that damaged you should go shorter to get the damage out. then when it grows back it's all that much more healthier.

If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

Well, in addition to haircare products, you might want to watch your daily diet too. Fruits with plenty of vitamin C, milk, fat-free yogurt and walnuts are usually very good. You should see some results in about a month.


If i cut my hair will that really help the damage?

I am a hairdresser and the only way to completely be rid of the split ends is to cut all of the split ends off. If you only cut some, what is left is just going to get worse and it defeats the purpose of a trim. There are some products that will help control the frizz but will not fix it. Only use professional products. The drug store products can contain alcohol and that will make it worse. Find a good stylist and she will take care of you and recommend good products to use.

hope this helps.

Can sudden hair loss be a result of hormones associated with breastfeeding?

I hope someone can offer some words of wisdom. My daughter is 15 months and breastfeeding and of course eating solids, too. I just started menstruating again 2 weeks ago. Now I am losing hair all over the place. My pillow is covered with hair when I wake up and I lose lots in the shower when I wash my hair. Could this be hormonal? The only medicine I take are my prenatals which I've been on for over 2 years now.

Can sudden hair loss be a result of hormones associated with breastfeeding?

When you arre pregnant you hair grows thicker and longer due to the hormones that are produced when you are pregnant. Once you have the baby and you breastfeed these hormones continue to produce in your body to trick the body to think you are pregnant. This is why you do not get your period while your breastfeeding. Your body still thinks you are pregnant. Once you start to ween your child the hormone production will slow down and the side effects of this hormone will subside e.i. Hair growth. Your hair will shed any excess it has grown during your pregnancy. This could also be a sign of low iron in your body!! Check it out here:

Can sudden hair loss be a result of hormones associated with breastfeeding?


Can sudden hair loss be a result of hormones associated with breastfeeding?

Oh my. I wouldn't think that breast feeding would do that, but I have never breast fed either of my kids. You should call your doctor to be for sure. It could be or it could be something worse or not. I hope not. CALL YOUR DOCTOR!! And good luck.

Can sudden hair loss be a result of hormones associated with breastfeeding?

I have never breast fed and i"m loosing my hair too.

Can sudden hair loss be a result of hormones associated with breastfeeding?

Your hair loss could be related more to your body realizing you're not pregnant or providing for a baby anymore...more so than breastfeeding. I've read a lot (%26amp; breastfed for 6 months) and I haven't come across anything that says breastfeeding would cause it.

I did, however, read that you stop losing hair when you get pregnant (some weird hormonal reaction) and that you'll start losing hair again after you give birth. Perhaps your body now feels your hormones should be returning back to normal (especially since you received your period) and so you're losing a lot of hair while it returns to normal.

Hope this helps!

Can sudden hair loss be a result of hormones associated with breastfeeding?

Yes, when I stopped breastfeeding at 8 months I lost a ton of hair. I thought for sure that I was going bald! My doc said it was natural because your horomones are returning to what they once were and that while you were pregnant and breastfeeding that your hair became thicker, so you're only losing what you gained.

On a side note, I had very curly hair before I was pregnant, now my hair is almost straight!

Can sudden hair loss be a result of hormones associated with breastfeeding?

I did start shedding a lot of hair after my daughters were born, but it was mostly in the shower when washing my hair. That was around the time that they were 3-6 months old, then I started growing it back again. I thought for sure that I would be bald by the time my daughter turned one, but I guess pregnancy just gives you extra hair. If it seems excessive, talk to your doctor though... it could be the beginning of alopecia.

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

My horse is losing heaps of hair!!! Help, I don't know what it is but it's coming out in clumps!! I guess some would be shedding of her winter coat (coming spring in Australia), but some patches of her coat are bald!!!! I was talking to one of my friends who said that one of her horses lost hair from a feed called Weight Lifter (it's supposed to put weight on horses) which is what I'm feeding my horse. Does anyone else had this problem with this product? If not, what other things could cause it?!! She does have a mineral block, and dad's getting some 'equilibrium' for all her minerals and vitamins.

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

Ringworm (a fungus, not a worm) will cause hair to fall out in very uniform patches. Your vet can give you a safe antifungal solution, or ask them about using one of the over-the counter topical treatments for fungus...jock itch, athletes foot, etc.

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

sounds like she has rain rot poor some mouth wash on her soak her good the cheep stuff is OK

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

Some horses shed irregular patterns and don't do it evenly! On weanlings and yearlings it always seems to be the belly hair left last and looks like a upside down mohawk. Older horses love to shed like this alot what you described. Younger horses tend to shed evenly but not always. If you run your hands over his back and sides do you feel any bumps or scabs? If not, your horse is just shedding. If you do feel scabs then it is rainrot. Does your horse have a long coat? Sounds like shedding to me, no need to worry!

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

mabey ringworm or fleas...ask you vet for a test in her/his blood...

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

You know I believe there was a prior post about that exact thing sometime ago.

If you are thinking thats it, pull her off of it and give her a couple of weeks to get it out of her system and see if its a reaction to it. That way you would know with no guessing.

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

You can buy a liquid called M-T-G And put on the bald spots. You can buy this at most tack stores and it is a miracle worker!

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

if it presists, i would call a vet as soon as possible. It could be mange. I know of some horses here in the States that had mange and it looked horrible. It was kind of frightning to see.... espesially on your horse that you love! There are also parasites that could be effecting it. When was the last time she was dewormed? Is there anything in the pasture she could be rubbing on that would cause that? I would stop the feed that could be causing it. If you are trying to get her to keep weight on, try feeding rice bran, beet pulp or molasses. Also, you can try getting some corn oil and pouring some over her feed. I had to do that for my 1 year old arab/saddlebred who had a mangy loolking coat. The corn oil is and excellent source of vitamin E, and it really does wonders for the horses coat. It is used on horses that need a healthier coat. Also, i would try to feed her some ground up flax seed. That is also really great for the coat. It could be some sort of nutritional unbalance. Most vets are able to help horse owners construct a nutritionally well rounded diet for thier horses. If none of the above helps, call your vet. Also, if she is around other horses, i would suggest keeping an eye out for similar symptoms that are effecting the other horses, since it may be contagious. Or at least untill the cause of the hair loss is identified. Good luck and i hope i could be of some help!!! If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me!!!

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

If you have had a blanket on her all winter that could have damaged part of her hair causing it to fall out, rain rot is of ourse anyother good explanation. Instead of using this weight lifter stuff try using more alfalfa pellets in her daily ration. some other good feeds to increase calorie intake (but may also may have her have to much energy) is beat pulp and rice bran. Make sure she has had a annual worming schedule. many horses are sensitive to the type of blanket that they wear and or tack they have, maybe you should giv her a bath with medicated shampoo from Absorbine (i think) or you can use medicated spray on the bald areas to help it. She could also have a type of rash you could get from sharing brushes tack and blankets.

Hair loss in horses?!!!!!?

EQUINE HYPOTHYRIODISM DISEASE-----I"m telling you its worth getter your mare tested for. Call your vet and horse does the SAME thing when it sheds out and he doesn't keep weight on.

Hi I'm losing my hair and I want a good concealer. Any ideas?

How would you look in a buzz cut ? Lot's of guys with thinnig hair or receding hair lines get a GI hair cut and they look great. You don't have to go to the skin .My hubby has his done with a 4 and 2

You could also get hair plugs ..they really work

What ever you decide just don't do a comb over ..looks cheesey

Hi I'm losing my hair and I want a good concealer. Any ideas?

Take propecia before more falls out. I use it and it works for me. It's a little expensive but worth it, unless you can pull off bald which I could not.

Hair Problem???

omg my hair is falling out a lot. i have really really really thick hair but its coming out u can't see that i'm losing hair though. is this normal it just started and i'm kinda going through puberty is this normal for my hair?? its like a little past my shoulder buts its always coming out. theres no bald patches but its really coming out. is it cuz of the season or what??

Hair Problem???

If you're going through puberty, that could be it. A hormone thing y'know. Stress can also cause that. It's normal. As long as you don't notice any bald spots, and it's not like big chunks coming out at a time. My hair's pretty thick too and I'll always get a few out just by running my fingers through my hair. If it's still really falling out after a few weeks you could talk to your doctor about it and they might be able to help you out more. ^_^ Stop worrying! You'll make it worse! ^_^

Hair Problem???

get some protein shampoo

Hair Problem???

You need to see a Dr. Thyroid problems, among other things.

It IS a symptom that shouldn't be ignored!

Hair Problem???

reduce the shampoo mix it with water

use a hair falling conditioner and shampoo

Hair Problem???

I'll bet the puberty thing could be the answer. Hair does tend to fall out a lot. It can fall out more if you are stressed out or have some sort of vitamin deficiency. Try this article:

Hair Problem???

I am sure that you hair loss is being caused by your changing hormones. It is not that common for it to happen at puberty, but very common at other times in your life that hormonal changes occur such as pregnancy and menopause. Normally your hair follicles go through resting and growth cycles. Some are falling out while others are growing. During rapid harmon changes, sometimes the hair follicles have an abundance of them go into what is called the resting phase. Thus you have more falling out than normal. I understand this can be very distressing, but hold out and maybe cut your hair shorter if it starts to get really thin, as your hair can get really thin when this occurs. Please don't allow this to get you down, it is hair and will grow back.

Hair Problem???

There are too many reasons why this could happen for you to ignore it. Everything from vitamin deficiencies, stress, thyroid problems, to who knows what? You need to see a doctor and get a check up. Make sure he/she knows about this. Put a towel or something in the sink where you brush your hair and try to gather up the hair that falls out during a 24 hour period so they can see it is not your imagination. It is probably something that is very easy for the doctor to figure out and cure. By the way, we all go through a natural "shedding" about every 7 years on the average, where we loose more hair than normal while brushing.

Hair Problem???

Totally normal. If youre going through puberty your body is going through "stress". I just had a baby and the same thing is happening to me (it will also happen if one loses a lot of wieght) Body senses a stressful event and your hair actually STOPS falling out normally. BUt when your body finds that it's not in any harm the new hair will push the old hair out. Usually when new hair is ready to come in in doesn't happen to A LOT of hair follicles at once. BUT because of the "stress" (or lack thereof) the hair follicles have new hair EVERYWHERE pushing out hte old. If you look close to your scalp im sure you'll see a lot of new growth.

Hair Problem???

It's probably hormones. If you're REALLY concerned about it then you need to talk to a doctor.

Hair Problem???

Most people lose 50-100 hairs a day. People lose more hair then that when they don't eat well or they are stressed. Take a multi-vitamin, get enough sleep and try to eat better. Don't worry too much, though, unless you notice your hair getting a lot thinner or if you find bald patches.

Hair Problem???

here are some tips to stop hair loss:

Taking Care of Hair

Vitamins for hair growth

Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

My hair shedding?

Recently, like for the last two months or so, I noticed my hair is shedding more. For example, I would walk downstairs to the kitchen or laundry room, and a few strands of hair would fall to the floor. I go to school, and one or two would fall on my shoulders. I wake up and one fall on to my bed. Before that rarely happened that my hair would fall out from walking around or waking up. But now, whenever I walk anywhere hair would fall to the floor. But they are never a lot just one or two strands. But is this normal? Should I go to the doctor to see why I'm losing hair?

My hair shedding?

It's normal. Everybody sheds hair all day long, the average is 100-150 hairs per day! Are you brushing your hair less then usual? Most people don't notice the shedding b/c the hairs attach to the brush instead of falling on the floor, or they go down the drain when you wash. If you are shedding more than 200 hairs a day then see a Dr. There are conditions and diseases with excessive hair shedding as a symptom, but they are extremely rare and it's very unlikely that you would have them. It's probably just normal everyday shedding.

My hair shedding?

very normal to lose a few strands of hair. its not normal to notice when exactly they fall out tho. thats a little weird to me that you know when exactly the fall and how many. its good that you are observant tho. you don't need to go to the doctor.

My hair shedding?

If you're male you could be losing your hair, I know a few guys that started going bald before they turned 20...

My hair shedding?

Yes, you should see the Dr about your hair loss. He may be able to help you. The sooner the better. It may be something as simple as a hormone imbalance, vitamin deficiency or stress. Good luck!

My hair shedding?

Shedding is normal. You are supposed to shed about 300 hairs a day...most of that is from brushing. If you can feel that your hair is thinner ask your self 2 questions; are you stressed out...that will cause your hair to shed or has your diet not been very healthy unhealthy diet will cause you to shed also.

My hair shedding?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

My cat is losing the hair on the outside of his ears?

At first it was one ear and about ten days later, the other. They feel a little warm to me but I don't recall the prior temperature. It doesn't seem to bother him. He is 9 months old and we live in the northwest where the temperature has been around 32-40 degrees lately. He is an indoor/outdoor cat. Any ideas???? (His ears appear clean on the inside. Also they are not flaky but sort of dry)

My cat is losing the hair on the outside of his ears?

Like she said, it could be an Allergic Reaction, thats probably the most likely. Another possiblity is an inner ear infection. These dont always appear obvious.

Do you have any other pets? I know someone who had a cat that would lick the hair off the other cats ears.

If it is not flakey, then I wouldn't immediatly be concerned about a fungus. Also, if they don't itch then flea's are probably not the problem.

The only other thing I would be worried about is ring worm. If you have a black light, take him to a dark room and shine it over his ears if there are any glowing specks, take him into the vet office as that could be ringworms.

If it doesnt go away, try taking him to the vet and getting a skin scrapping.

Hope that this helps!

My cat is losing the hair on the outside of his ears?

If his ears are clean, chances are it's not ear mites. It could be an allergic reaction to something: my oldest cat lost patches of fur around the base of his ears and when we took him to the vet we discovered that he has a severe flea allergy. He now needs a shot twice a year. You should probably have a vet examine your cats ears.

My dog is losing his hair?

he is 12 years old house dog but he is scatching all the time

My dog is losing his hair?

its called malthing. it happened to my dog.

it happens when the dog is stressed. either weather, or maybe he isnt enjoying his food. maybe not enought attention.

sumthing like that

it grows back rather quickly

good luck =)

My dog is losing his hair?

if it continues take him to a vet, he could be having problems with his thyroid

My dog is losing his hair?

Take your dog in to get a blood panel done. My golden retriver began losing his fur on the back of his neck. We found out it was hypothyroidism - his thyroid wasn't producing enough of the hormone. So they put him on Levothyroxine (super inexpensive little blue pills) he had one with breakfast and one with dinner and after one week his fur was growing back and he was a completely different dog. He seemed so happy, super energetic - we'd never seen him run so fast for a ball, much more coordinated and mentally alert. We were so glad we were able to get the medicine to pull him out of the funk. He was on those little pills for the rest of his life, but he unfortunately passed away of lymphoma last November.

Definitely get your doggy checked out. I hope everything goes well.

My dog is losing his hair?

12-what kind of dog?

It could be mange,

or perhaps hot spots is it red and inflammed were hes scratching?

or it could just be hes old.

You should maybe have him checked by a vet.

either way good luck


My dog is losing his hair?

Check his thyroid

Make sure his dog food does not have corn or soy - some dog foods change ingrediants and it is possible that something in the food is causing a reaction

Check for fleas

What is wrong with my hair? It keeps falling out.?

I have pretty long hair and I have never had any problem with hair loss but in the last few months it has begun falling out. I am not balding though. I am losing hair in the front at a noticeable rate. The problem is I will lose one long strand and then my hair will start growing back in front. Except for the front all of my hair is really long and it looks really funny having the bangs strands short. Any ideas why this is happening?

What is wrong with my hair? It keeps falling out.?

It could be either your diet or a hormonal imbalance (thyroid) or both.

You need to visit the doctor to have some simple blood work done.

If it is your diet, it could be anemia or another deficiency. If it is your thyroid, you may need medication.

Sometimes stress due to trauma or lack of sleep can cause this. More often, it is the first two problems I mentioned.

P.S. I have autoimmune thyroid disease and suffered this exact symptom.

What is wrong with my hair? It keeps falling out.?

it depends on how old you are, sometimes, in the winter hair begins to shed.

What is wrong with my hair? It keeps falling out.?

It may be due to stress. Have you been under a lot of stress lately? It could be a diet change? Something you're not eating enough of. Pregnancy or post pregnancy. Usually after having a baby, your hormones are out of whack, so your hair will fall out (almost in clumps). How about heredity? Does it run in your family?

What is wrong with my hair? It keeps falling out.?

it might be that you are not eating well, or that you are stressed out. these are all things that you need to find out.

What is wrong with my hair? It keeps falling out.?

Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.

16 and is dropping hair?

my bedroom floor got alot of hair my mother say this is scary as i am losing hair at an alarming rate 16 yrs old and currently no stress as exam over i scared tat i have receding hair line so is it nnormal to lose hair i have shoulder lengh hair and have a litte hair flakes if i scratch my hair i use herbal essences shamppoo but problem persists i tied hair whenever i go out

16 and is dropping hair?

You need to start off by relaxing, Breathe in and out. Good job. I had alot of hair loss from the age of 15-17. You will have this problem if you've permed your hair by yourself which means you burnt it. You keep your hair up all the time? That could be why too, Try letting your hair do whatever it wants. Don't put your hair up so much and it doesnt matter what kind of shampoo you use. Don't dye or perm your hair for atleast six months and see how it turns out. If it gets worse or you feel very stressed about all this try going to a hairdresser.

16 and is dropping hair?

This could be a few different things. You could have a fungal infection like ringworm that is causing your hair to fall out. You could be malnourished. Or it could be something else. I recommend that you see a doctor.

16 and is dropping hair?

try taking multivitamins.

or go see a doctor, could be hormonal problems.

Why does my hair keep on falling? im losing my just 27 years old?

The most common cause of hair loss is genetics. You inherit the tendency to lose hair from either or both of your parents. It's called male-pattern or female-pattern hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia. (Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss.) About half of all people have this type of hair loss by about 50 years of age. Some other causes for hair loss is ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis), which is common in children, mental stress or physical stress, such as recent surgery, illness, or high fever. Or it could be from pulling your hair back too tightly, wearing tight braids or ponytails, or using curling irons or dyes, or use of medication to destroy cancer cells. Also for every five men who experience hair loss, there are three women who suffer as well, so don't feel like you are the only person out there with a hair-loss problem.

Why does my hair keep on falling? im losing my just 27 years old?

Bald is HOT

Why does my hair keep on falling? im losing my just 27 years old?

Iron deficiency is cause of falling hair. Use spinach

Why does my hair keep on falling? im losing my just 27 years old?

please im 24 my hair is doing the same thing will check later to see answers

Why does my hair keep on falling? im losing my just 27 years old?

Does it fall out in he shower? If so, that happens to me too, and it's totally normal. I was a little freaked out too at first, but its much like how a dog or cat sheds at different times of the year. If you're really worried about it, you should talk to your dr.

Why does my hair keep on falling? im losing my just 27 years old?

well, everyone's hair falls out at a steady rate, but if yours is falling out really quickly/abnormally fast, then talk to your doctor or a nutritionist to see if your getting enough of the right nutrients.

P.S. If your a vegetarian or a vegan (especially a vegan), that could be the problem right there...not saying you have to eat meat, but you need to find a way of getting the stuff you need and more of it

Why does my hair keep on falling? im losing my just 27 years old?

Please check this site out. I had this and there are a number of reasons why you may be going through this.....perhaps a trauma from 4 to 6 months ago? A birth of a baby? A new medication you took a few months back? Or even genetics, your mum or your nan may have done the same thing at this age. Hope you can get it sorted out :)

Why does my hair keep on falling? im losing my just 27 years old?

if you are or had been taking medications that causes it.alot of times it is hereditary

I have long and thick hair but i am losing my hair. how can i control hair falling?

i am suffing with ostreomylitis. so i used anti biotic 2 years continuesly. recently its means 1 month before my doctor stoped my medicines.

I have long and thick hair but i am losing my hair. how can i control hair falling?

I am a licensed cosmetologist. I sell a product at my salon called NIOXIN. It is a hair regrowth system. I have seen wonderful results with this cleansing and treatment system. It is on the pricey side but you have to think of where your priorities lie, if you want to keep your hair, $30 for the system that will last you 90 days is not a big deal. Call around to local salons and see if they carry the product. If you want to know more about it go to you will not be sorry. let us know how it goes and good luck

I have long and thick hair but i am losing my hair. how can i control hair falling?

for hair care and skin care and more related

just step into

Hair fall, Hair Loss and Baldness?

what are the causes, symptoms and treatment for Hair fall, Hair Loss and Baldness? and how can we get rid of men pattern and women pattern and losing hair? Does can manage hair loss and hair fall?

bcoz i recently order provillus hair loss treatment from but no idea how much time it will take for making me get rid of hair loss any more.

Hair fall, Hair Loss and Baldness?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

Hair fall, Hair Loss and Baldness?

provilus doesn't work. i got a hair translant and take propecia- great response

Hair fall, Hair Loss and Baldness?

Stress can cause hair loss. Try to reduce your stress and relax!

I am losing my hair because i have been wearing a hat for years as a line cook. Do you have any natu

I am looking for some kind of a natural remedy, 'cause I think the problem might be some kind of scalp irritation.

I am losing my hair because i have been wearing a hat for years as a line cook. Do you have any natural remedy

Balding isn't because of a hat, it's genetic. It just so happens that People who go bald normally have receeding hairlines early in life or like you said scalp irritations or even abnormal directional growth, more inclining them to wear a hat, years before going bald. Despit all the media, the only natural remedy is something you'll have to get from your local Chinese Traditional.

I am losing my hair because i have been wearing a hat for years as a line cook. Do you have any natural remedy

Baldness formula (hair loss and regrowth)

8 oz. avocado oil

30 gram rosemary

5 drops peppermint oil

mix these three ingredients

you can either place them in a glass container (heat resistant) and place in an oven for 20 minutes at 300 deg F OR place in a dark colored glass bottle and store a dark place for 6 weeks

once you have completed the above step, strain the oil to remove the rosemary

(use chese cloth or similar cloth and squeeze the extra oil out)

once you have strained the oil you can massage one teaspoonful into your sclap three times a day

store the unused portion in a dark colored bottle in a cool dark place (not cold), you can store it for up to 3 months

I'm losing my hair,?

my periods are more frequent, cannot see a female gp(without a student being in the room(I know students need to learn but im really shy) .next well womens clinic is in june

I'm losing my hair,?

the doctor must have your permission to have a student present.if youre not comfortable with this im sure your doctor would understand.your symptoms could be signs of polycystic ovary syndrome, which is really common among women nowadays.simple tests would identify this.

I'm losing my hair,?

your gp should ask you if you mind the student being there it is your right to say no good luck dont sit on this worry any longer make an appointment

I'm losing my hair,?

How old are you? If your periods are more frequent and your hair is falling out, it is probably just the hormone change that is effecting your hair. It depends how long its been going on. Try taking some more vitamin E. But your age may play a part. If your either young and your hormones are whacky any way or if your going through 'change of life' either would effect your hair. But it sounds like just a change in your hormones. As long as your periods are every 3 - 8 weeks, then you have nothing to worry about. Hope i have helped!

I'm losing my hair,?

i think you are sufferrring from stress, dont, put your hair up or brush it much as it pulls it, eat lots of fruit and vegetable and see a counsellor about your problems adn read your bible trust in God. Get enough sleep drink enough water

I'm losing my hair,?

Omfg.. Don't worry about it! Them people look @ vaginas all the time if they can they'll eat while doing the procedure.. My nephew is a ob/gyn and he says it aint nothing unless the puss aint when I was 13, I had 5 nurses (males and females) and 2 doctors looking all up in my butt and my puss..I was scared if I was gonna let a fast one come out LOLZ!! Thats their job and they enjoy it.. Right after you see them they aint never gonna see you again..Until your next visit (i dont know how it works there) but sometimes they ask you first if you want to allow them in there... They asked me and I said OKAY but I aint know a whole crew came out, looking at my thing and asking questions with my legs all up for like 25minutes and the procedure is done in less than 5 minutes.. lmfao that was a strange experience.. Keep your eyes closed..if you still feel shy..

I'm losing my hair,?

First thing is first, write down any and all symptoms you have. Write things down as you Think of them and bring it with you when you do see a doctor. Sometimes we forget things when doctors ask a ton of questions all at once, this way you can be more prepared. People lose their hair for a reason. And it is up to you to keep pushing to find out the reason. I, myself lost 3/4 of my hair, due to a severe anaemia which was never diagnosed by my family doctor. If you are feeling like you have a lack of energy, have a doctor write you a slip to have your ferritin levels checked, it could be that you are anaemic, however it could be something entirely different. Your Health is yours, and health is everything. Take Good Care of yourself, I hope this is resolved for you soon. :o)

I'm losing my hair,?

you have every right to refuse to have a student in the room

I'm losing my hair and people stare at my scalp when they talk to me what can I do to feel conf


I'm gonna have to go with Chuckles. I started losing my hair at the age of 27, and did the part-over thing, and the combing it forward thing. I finally gave up, and shaved it. Smartest thing I ever did. People treat you entirely differently when you shave it, instead of covering it up, especially women. Shaving your head, says, "I really couldn't care less, what you think of me, or my lack of hair". If you are married, your spouse might have a problem with it, if not, go for it. You can always grow back that little patch of hair whenever you want to be more mainstream and silly. If you got the genes for it, grow yourself a decent moustache to to with it. Just watch out for bad girls, they can't resist it.

I'm losing my hair and people stare at my scalp when they talk to me what can I do to feel confident about it?

shave your head, at least when they stare you know you controlled it

I'm losing my hair and people stare at my scalp when they talk to me what can I do to feel confident about it?

Pretend that they are staring at your biological solar panel up your pate. Let them stare until they want. Then joke: "I'd could install one for you if you want this kind of solar panel, too." That would embarass them no end.

I'm losing my hair and people stare at my scalp when they talk to me what can I do to feel confident about it?

Ask if you have a pimple on my head

I'm losing my hair and people stare at my scalp when they talk to me what can I do to feel confident about it?

There is a shampoo that Suave makes, it's called Thick %26amp; Full, I use it cause my hair is so thin. I sunburn the top of my head in the summer cause it is so thin, dr said it wasn't caused by my thyroid so I don't know else could cause it.

I'm losing my hair and people stare at my scalp when they talk to me what can I do to feel confident about it?

Ask a hair stylist to give you a style that doesn't draw attention or that de-emphasizes the balding pattern. Other than that, it's their problem - they should be more interested in who you are than what you look like.

Hey, I knew a balding minister who used to wear a tee shirt that said, "I'm not bald - this a solar panel for a sex machine!" Don't take it so seriously.

I'm losing my hair and people stare at my scalp when they talk to me what can I do to feel confident about it?

Wear a hat or beanie. Have you talked to your doctor? Do you have cancer?

I'm losing my hair and people stare at my scalp when they talk to me what can I do to feel confident about it?

get a hair cut as close to the scalp as possible or shave it all off.

Or saay stuff to take their attention away from your head

I'm losing my hair and people stare at my scalp when they talk to me what can I do to feel confident about it?

Wear a wig or get a hair transplant. JUST KIDDING! LOL Just tell those jerks to stop staring. It's what's under the scalp not whats on the scalp that matters you know!

How can I stop losing my hair? How can I get it back? Do hair transplants work?

You can stop your hair loss (or slow it way down) by taking 2,000 to 3,000 mcg of biotin every day. For me, that's 4 pills. Hair transplants do work. Another solution is the hair club for men. That is when they but a permanent hair piece on your scalp, with mixes with your original hair. The piece is kept on for 6 weeks and then is taken off so they can massage your scalp and cut your hair. It looks very natural. Hair transplants and the hair club are both expensive. Try the biotin first.

How can I stop losing my hair? How can I get it back? Do hair transplants work?

you can use those new things to restore your hair

How can I stop losing my hair? How can I get it back? Do hair transplants work?

well first you should look at WHY your hair is falling out;



overuse of heat styling products

pulling hair/playing with hair out of habit


and if you are a female it could be polycystic ovary syndrome......

sorry i don't mean to scare you! but maybe just check out all these possible factors and it would be easier to solve the problem.

You could always try a wig, hat or beanie if you think it is too noticeable. Also, if you have light hair and have dyed it dark then it becomes even more noticeable.

How can I stop losing my hair? How can I get it back? Do hair transplants work?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

Hair Dye + Hair Loss?

I recently dyed my hair black at a salon. After dying my hair I've been losing an incredible amount of hair. I honestly have half the amount of hair that I used too...Is it possible that I'm losing hair becuase the dye was left on my scalp for too long??..

Hair Dye + Hair Loss?

I'm sure that your hair loss does have something to do with the dye. Black hair dye is very harsh and the worst color to remove from the hair. You should go to a dermatologist and find out exactly why your hair is coming out. I had to do that once and it sucks. I hope your hair stops coming out. I don't think the hair dye should have been left on your hair more then 25 minutes. Good luck.

Hair Dye + Hair Loss?

well you need to use the right product and you need proper hair care

Hair Dye + Hair Loss?

go back to the place and tell what is happen next time when your fall tell them and take same so they do,

good luck

Hair Dye + Hair Loss?

I had a similar experience 10-years ago, when a stylist bleached my hair preparing it for a new shade of medium blonde/light brown. Everything was fine until she was ready to wash it out, as she brushed the mix away, all of it felt. And i mean ALL of it. I was left bald. An express hair cut, {laughs} The reason: expire dye.

Hair Dye + Hair Loss?

Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

I'm losing my hair and people say that a shaved head won't suit my face stucture....?

I feel I am loosing my self-esteem and I don't want to go out anymore....what should I do? Serious answers no JERKS!

I'm losing my hair and people say that a shaved head won't suit my face stucture....?

I went through the same type situation with my hair. My advise is to shave it but not all at once. Get clippers and slowly take it down each week until you have a buzz cut. When you decide to finally shave it get a little sun on your head before so it won't be such a difference in color from your face. This way when you shave it won't be as much of a shock for people because you have phased into it. And trust me....there are a lot of people out there that will be rubbing your head and giving you compliments!!! Good luck!

I'm losing my hair and people say that a shaved head won't suit my face stucture....?

Who cares what people say!!! You won't know how good you look with a shaved head until you do it. My husband thinks he shouldn't have a shaved head, but I finally talked him into it because it's super hot and humid here... he did it and he of course looks quite good!!!

I'm losing my hair and people say that a shaved head won't suit my face stucture....?

I couln't imagine being a guy and losing my hair. It sucks that we put so much enphasis on looks. Have you looked into surgery transplants or rogain? I don't know how well they work but I would def start there if it's bothering you. Maybe if you start early you can do something before it gets too bad. I know this doesn't help much but sometimes you have to accept aging. Honestly you notice it way more than other people do. Good Luck!

I'm losing my hair and people say that a shaved head won't suit my face stucture....?

I think totally bald guys are very sexy and so do alot of my friends. Don't listen to people who say what suits your face. Listen to yourself. Alot of girls just can't wait to put their hands on a smooth bald head and rub it. Go for it!!!!

I'm losing my hair and people say that a shaved head won't suit my face stucture....?

be bald - and be proud

I'm losing my hair and people say that a shaved head won't suit my face stucture....?

My dad uses Scalp Med that thing they sell on tv. And he has been losing his hair for 15 years. He has been using it for about 3 months and it works excellent. And it must work even better for you that you haven't gone completely bald. No matter what you have to work to get money to buy it. I suggest you buy it because if you have low self-esteem it can affect the rest of your life. And you will never be truly happy. Buy the way if it doesnt work just return it. You should probably buy it over the tv since they have special offers. Hope this helps.

I'm losing my hair and people say that a shaved head won't suit my face stucture....?

Have you tried shaving your head, or are you simply listening to people?

If you feel uncomfortable with having very little hair, there are three things you can do that won't cost you a thing...

You can let what little hair you have grow really long... and you can comb it over the top of your head... in which case people will laugh and talk about you behind your back.

You can keep what little hair you have trimmed fairly short.

You can shave your head.

If you want to look like an idiot (and I seriously doubt you want to do that) you should go for the comb over look... people will talk about you everywhere you go... as soon as you've left the room.

Personally... I'd have it trimmed short, and live with it for a month or so... see if you like it. If you like it that way, just keep getting it trimmed. When it is really short, you can almost see what it will look like shaved off....

Then you can go with a complete shave... if you don't like it, all you have to do is stop shaving... it will grow back.

If you don't like any of those ideas.... it's time to think about spending a bunch of money on a rug, or transplants....

Personally.... I'd just shave it off.

I'm losing my hair and people say that a shaved head won't suit my face stucture....?

Well, you're going to be bald anyways and better look good doing it!

I want more hair to grow &less hairfall 卢 long hair ,just more hair to grow?

i want my hair to grow more %26amp; less hairfall

i am losing my hair first i want to lessen hairfall.

i am losing hair so much that if i lose some more hair,

the skin on my head will be visible

so, plz provide me a sol

I want more hair to grow %26amp;less hairfall 卢 long hair ,just more hair to grow?


I want more hair to grow %26amp;less hairfall 卢 long hair ,just more hair to grow?

1 teaspoon of olive oil + 2 drops of rosemary oil

it works like magic

I want more hair to grow %26amp;less hairfall 卢 long hair ,just more hair to grow?

you can try almond oil for growth of hair. after washing your hair you hae to use a perfect conditioner.dandruff may be your cause of hairfall.all the best is rubb your nails twice aday i am sure it will help on your problem. I was also same problem after doing this eg is ok

I want more hair to grow %26amp;less hairfall 卢 long hair ,just more hair to grow?

Hi Queen鈥︹€?

Ok, seriously the first thing you should do is see a may have a scalp or hair follicle problem. Bring a DAY'S worth of lost hair with you - just place in a ziplock bag. Dermotologist can look at the follicle PLUS see how much hair you lost in one day's time.

Secondly, SOME meds can cause hair loss...IF you take meds, call the pharmacist or check out web sites about side affects.

Thirdly, are you eating enough proteins, chicken, fish, eggs,...Try to eat veggies HIGH IN FOLLIC ACID, I think parsley, spinach really any vegetable. TRY to eat ALOT of vegetables. GREAT for hair and skin. Drink soy milk, or skim milk, or 1% milk daily. I personally HATE milk, so I drink Soy Milk.

Fourth, a good Nail, Skin, and Hair vitamin is a good thing to take. There are many people, including dermotologists and doctors that don't agree that vitamins work. I think they do...HEY it CAN'T HURT.....

Fifth, a SUBLINGUAL B complex (liquid drops - you can buy at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, or any vitamin place) is full of all B vitamins and high in follic acid. You HAVE to get the B complex in sublingual form because B vitamins don't absorb well in pill form.

Sixth: Get a BIOTIN shampoo AND conditioner. I use Nature's Gate - a big quart size for about $5.00. I SWEAR I have been using Biotin shampoo for almost 2 years now AND IT WORKS!!!!!!!! It has a slight tingly feeling don't get into your eyes - It may contain peppermint oil. Really any kind of BIOTIN shampoo works. I've tried some REALLY expensive stuff ..Nioxin??...and some other type my mom uses that costs about 35.00 a quart.

I swear by Natures Gate, Mill Creek, Jasons - all can be bought at a health food store. I order mine online - I usually buy about 4 quarts of Biotin Shampoo and 4 quarts of Biotin Conditioner at a time, Usually about twice a year from THEY have EXCELLENT prices!!! and Shipping is REALLY cheap $4.95

Some helpful hints....I have long blonde hair to the middle of my back. So I usually wash my hair every other day. After I shampoo twice - really massage your scalp with the shampoo well and rinse. Then I squeeze a bunch of the biotin conditioner on my scalp and ends of my hair. AGAIN massage your scalp you want the blood to flow in your scalp.

While rinsing, I use a BIG toothed comb and comb my hair under the running water. DON'T USE HOT WATER. Try to use as cool as you take take it.

There you go.....If you have any questions, please feel free to email me....OH ....just for your information, Hair DOES fall out more at certain times of the year.

But I really hope this helps you.

Also, once in awhile, I rinse my hair with diluted apple cider vinegar, you can add A COUPLE of drops of rose oil, or some other good smelling oil mask the smell of vinegar....only use 1 or 2 drops though to about 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar diluted with 3 cups water.

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?


I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

Hello, go to this web site I am using this product and I think it's doing the job. Just check it out, I think you will be impressed. I am 57year old woman

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

for real? how old r u?

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

Wigs R us

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

use pink moister

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

Did you beach your hair? If you did QUICKLY re-dye it with a color not a bleach and you will see your hair become thicker as soon as you come out of the shower, and it will stop falling out =)

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

well, if u DO get ur hair to grow back, or grow longer, whatever, always use a COMB not a BRUSH, if u use a brush all the time, your hair will start to shed ALOT more, i'm serious

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

Rogaine...Get the generic version at Wally-Mart.

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

You should also get checked out by a doctor. Losing your hair could be a sign of many different health problems (problems with thyroid, hormonal issues, etc.).

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

well if you die your hair it makes it more unhealthy causing it to breakoff and be damaged, which can be why u are loosing your hair. but if you dont die it then u should try a hot oil treatment and wash your hair everyother day to give it a rest so more hair dont fall off in the shower

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

Have your thyroids checked and use Rogaine products. Also, take Vitamin Bs and Biotin.

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?


I belong to a forum with lots of other woman as well. We discuss products causes, and lots of other things. Its free, but you need to register to view everything .

These woman are smart, and know where you are coming from.

Check it out.. its

and the informative web site ie

I am losing my hair!!! Any good products?

try nioxin

Anybody im losing my hair and i really need the best idea to get it back im 20 years old /m whats th

20 yrs seems to be a unaturally young age to start loosing hair. Perhaps you are not getting the essential nutrients you need for healthy hair growth. I suggest talking to your doctor about this, it could be your eating habits, nutrient deficiency or overstress.

Anybody im losing my hair and i really need the best idea to get it back im 20 years old /m whats the best way

It might be because of stress if so then relax go see a movie or do something you love ,every now and then if not then you could see a doctor they always know.

Anybody im losing my hair and i really need the best idea to get it back im 20 years old /m whats the best way

Oh my goodness. Try Rogaine OTC and see if helps.

Anybody im losing my hair and i really need the best idea to get it back im 20 years old /m whats the best way

Bosley Hair Club for Men.

I hate to tell you, but that's life. I started losing my hair at 20 yrs. I am 38 yrs now and.....

Bosley Hair Club for Men

Anybody im losing my hair and i really need the best idea to get it back im 20 years old /m whats the best way

the same thing is happening to me! I went to my doctor and she thought it was because i wasn't eating enough then i had to get a blood test and it turns out i have anemia so thats why i was losing you might want to go to your Dr.....before going to the Dr. though try and eat more iron because that also might help it. Hope i could help!

Anybody im losing my hair and i really need the best idea to get it back im 20 years old /m whats the best way

I know this probably sucks to hear, but probably nothing

unless you want to put costly chemicals on your head, that may not give results........

If you go to a doctor, or a hair specialist, they will do all they can to drag you along to make money.

im 27 and mine is almost gone.......ive looked into it, but now just accepted the fact that Im going to be a bald guy

Anybody im losing my hair and i really need the best idea to get it back im 20 years old /m whats the best way

Take 2 tbls. apple cider vinegar in a glass of water 2-3 x day or if dieting, before a meal. Has 93 vitamins and minerals. Hair and nails will become super strong. Take it from me as I have never been able to grow hair or nails in 40 years. Now I am 50 and I have long hair and nails.

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

i nnoticed some mnths back that i was a bit lighter than usual. i'm 5'2 and was around 110,111. i could see that clothes that use to fit well had a little extra room which is crazy. i 'm naturally slender so losing weight is not good for me. i realized my hair was falling out and so i cut it. now for the past few weeks i noticed that when i comb my hair too much hair is coming out in the comeb. the sides are coming out when i just pull on it just slightly. i don't know what to do anymore. i feel so down cause i'm all skinny and my hair is falling out and i can't think of any other reason why it would be. i'm a black female with natural hair so i know my hair nedds lots of moisture, i grease it everyday and i've been conditioning it once a week for the past three weeks. doesn't make a diffenerence cause i'm still losing hair and i might as well cut it again cause i'm sick of having hair all over the place. could my hair be connected to my weight loss??

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

Weight loss per se doesn't mean hair loss... But malnutrition can. If you see the connection between your weight and your hair loss then there probably is one. Eat a health balanced diet and don't worry, the hair will grow back.

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

Go see your Dr. and have a thyroid test. Hyperthyroidism will cause weight loss as well as hair loss. This is very easily treated. Don't wait to long. Good luck

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

Many things can cause hair loss. Poor diet, stress, hormonal imbalances, alopecia. I would go to a doctor and have your blood levels checked. While there, tell the doctor of any other unusal things you may be feeling. Your thyroid gland has a lot to do with your hair, so it may be the culprit. I would first have this blood done, and if everything comes up normal, consider your stress levels and change your diet while taking a good multivitamin. (from a health food store.) Good luck.

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

Can be. Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.

I wash my hair everyday usually, if i dont my scalp gets very itchy the next that dandruff?

so i have normal hair, or atleast had, I am 19 years old and about 3 years ago i ACCIDENTALLY got my hair thermally relaxed, i originally went in for a consulation, and the lady began to actually put the product in my hair, me being 16 and naive went through the process. I am indian and i had beautiful thick hair. after that process, i lost hair like crazy, and it sorta grew back...but not the original thickness :(

just recently the past 5-6 months, ive noticed excess hair loss because u can see through my hair, its scaring me, my dermatologist said it could be hormones, but at this rate, im positive in the next few months, I WILL BE BALD!! off course im not asking for a diagnosis, but just ur opinions on what is going on with me( i also had blood tests done and everything is normal)

Also, i have to wash my hair daily or else it loks like i have 2 strands of hair it gets oily. I tried to cut down to every other day, but my scalp gets itchy.. is it dandruff? is that y im losing hair

I wash my hair everyday usually, if i dont my scalp gets very itchy the next that dandruff?

Honestly I think you should consult this with your actual doctor and do what they say and see who they tell you to see.

I wash my hair everyday usually, if i dont my scalp gets very itchy the next that dandruff?

It is not advisable to wash everyday to avoid itching. For that use a pack for scalp.

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Haircare Recipes

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Hair Fruit Pack

I wash my hair everyday usually, if i dont my scalp gets very itchy the next that dandruff?

Whatever you had done to your hair didn't agee with you. People who have thick beautiful hair are so lucky and should learn to leave it alone:) but I hope something helps you soon, best of luck with that. Dandruff to my experience is an itchy scalp with white flakey skin that just drop out. Don't wash your hair with the same shampoo and conditioner, change the product every couple of months, find something for fine hair until your hair comes back it may not be as harsh, rub some baby oil into your scalp evey second day until you feel it becoming better. Even baby shampoo will not be too harsh for your hair at the moment. Best of luck.

I wash my hair everyday usually, if i dont my scalp gets very itchy the next that dandruff?

I agree with Jade S. You should consult with your doctor, this doesnt seem like you're naturally going bald, something is definitely wrong. I think that it probably is the effects of the thing you had done when you were 16. So ya, I think that the best advice you can get would come from your doctor. If your doctor's advice sucks, then you should shave your head and keep shaving it for a while because everytime you shave your head, it grows back a little thicker. Shave it a few times then let it grow again. This would take a while so I reccomend buying a wig for that time period. But before doing that, make sure you are eating properly because bad diets often also lead to hair loss. So make sure you're getting lots of proteins, vegetables and vitamins. Try not to worry about it too much, hopefully you'll find the cause and everything will be ok :) Also try coconut oil or raw egg yolks on your scalp. Good Luck!!!

I keep losing my hair......?

cause my boyfriend pulls it too hard. It comes out in clumps. What can I do?

I keep losing my hair......?

grab his boll*cks and say "We're not going to hurt each other ARE we!"

I keep losing my hair......?

tell him not to play so hard

I keep losing my hair......?

Tell him stop pulling your her because you don't want to go bald

I keep losing my hair......?

tell your boyfriend not to pull it

I keep losing my hair......?

u might have cancer talk yo your parents and go to a doctor quick

I keep losing my hair......?

Tell him to stop it. See a doctor to find out why its coming out in clumps. I find it hard to believe your boyfriend is pulling it so hard he's pulling clumps of it out. Either way see a professional doctor to see if there isn't something else wrong.

I keep losing my hair......?

Why is your boyfriend pulling your hair? Tell him to stop doing it..

I keep losing my hair......?


I keep losing my hair......?

Tell him to stop.

I keep losing my hair......?

you're hair might be weak and brittle?!

I keep losing my hair......?

Run from this guy.

I keep losing my hair......?

Is he 4 years old? Tell him to stop!

I keep losing my hair......?

stop faking pulling my hair.

wat the fak wrong wit youuu

I keep losing my hair......?

kick him in the balls one good time and tell him if he rips your hair out again you will kick him again ..he will stop i assure you

I keep losing my hair......?

shave your head


I keep losing my hair......?

Godd...your boyfriend must be pulling really hard!

Just say it really hurts when he next pulls it and show him when the hair comes out so that he'll see the damage he's doing.

I keep losing my hair......?

oh my god...tell him to stop! That sounds like it hurts.

I keep losing my hair......?

pulling your hair not a good thing to do but however you have to go to a doctor you will get the best advice. or herbal medicine for your hair.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

im about 14 years old and im losing some hair!! like when i comb my hair some of my hair falls out....and sometimes when im sleeping i find traces of hair when i wake up.............i just wanted to know if its normal....................if not then can i have some advices how to reduce it??????

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

People lose about 100 strands of hair a day, but these are replaced with new strands, so don't worry about it--happens to everyone.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

If you are concerned that your hair loss is abnormal, go see a doctor.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

No, its either vitamin deficiency or genetical. Vitamin-E tables would help reduce hair loss.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

at your age its not normal to loose so mauch hair better see a doctor.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

Yes, yes, it is very, very, very, normal- like you see bald 14 year olds, or 14 year olds with comb overs all the time, on tv, in ads, etc.

And Andrew thank you so, so, so much for that ephiphany- see a doctor, wow, that is just remarkable, original, unique, and unprecedented advice!

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

While I've heard of people going bald in their 20s, I haven't heard of anyone experiencing loss at such an early age as yours. You may want to see a dermatologist about your condition. If there's nothing that can be done for you, keep in mind that the clean shaven head look is in.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

We all normally lose about 100 hairs per day, regardless of our age. I'm not suggesting that you count how many fall out, just reassuring you that daily hair loss is normal. All of the follicles on the head are in different stages of growing hair, stasis, and having loose ones fall out.

If you are convinced that you are losing much more than that 100 or so per day you may want to get checked for any condition that could impair your blood circulation, such as diabetes.

You could also just be an unfortunate guy who starts going bald in high school (I'm assumer you are a guy??). It's pretty rare, but not unknown, for male pattern baldness to happen that early. My brother started losing his at 17...

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

You can stop hair loss using many cheap and effective home remedies.Egg white, lemon juice, oil massage are other home remedies at will prevent further problems.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

Losing more than 100 hairs a day could be an indication that something is physically wrong.

If you are beginning to get patches of baldness it could be an beginning of alopecia.See your family doctor and a visit to a dermatologist would be in order.

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

earlier i was having very heavy hairs but now it has became very thin

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

Home remedy for falling hair is mix the juice of one lime with 4-table spoon of thick coconut milk and rub into the scalp and wash well. This should be repeated once a week for effective treatment. Massaging the hair scalp with fingers till it starts to tingle with the heat will activate the sebaceous glands and enables the blood circulation and makes the hair grow healthy. Instead of supplements take adequate amounts of eggs, nuts, soybean, mango, liver, dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, dried apricots, whole grain cereals, peas in the daily diet.

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

You need proper hair care read some hair fall tips on this site

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

you know if you doesn't have hair doesn't mean that you're not pretty. Just be confident okay!?

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

I have experienced that as well...I would suggest that you use "doo grow line" especially the hair stimulating oil" it works wonders!

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

Free tips on natural and homemade hair care solutions...visit...Hair loss..

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?


My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

good luck with this. i hope the remedies other people listed work. and remember, true beauty lies within.

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

Unfortunately no shampoo is a magic cure.

If you hair is falling out, perhaps you should get some blood work done to test whats going on in your system. There could be many reasons why. The most common in women is androgenic alopecia.

Hair loss in females is generally a sign of something else going on somewhere.

There is a web page with some good information on it called:

Good Luck!

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?


1 oil them at night %26amp; wash them with a nice shampoo %26amp; conditioner

2 eat lots of fruits %26amp; vegetables

3 dont tie them with tight rubber band

4 dont colour them

5 don't comb with a thin comb if they are wet. use thick one

6 avoid oily, spicy %26amp; junk food

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

check out this site. it has advice from experts.

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

Eat foods which are nutritious. Have couple of dates on morning hours %26amp; try to drink as much of water you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

well..u should use....egg yolk.before washing hairs.


My hair fall frquently. Being a girl i am losing my beauty?

you can use nice home made hai oil use conditioner after bath

My Hair Loss??

OK well for about a week or 2 now my hair has been falling out like crazy..I know we normally r supposed to lose about 100 hairs a day but im losing about 5-600 a day and its all over me,clogs up the drain when I take a shower,I can literally take my hand thru my hair and pull lose hairs out.Its insane.Can stress or depression cause this? Ive just had a huge loss in my family and IM pretty down and not feeling great but its mostly because my hair just keeps coming out and out.Plus I am only 17 yrs old.What do I do to help this? Plz help!!

My Hair Loss??

Mental stress or physical stress can cause hair loss. You may have a lot of hair loss 4 weeks to 3 months after severe physical or emotional stress. Your hair usually will grow back within a few months. Poor nutrition, especially lack of protein or iron in the diet can also be a cause. Hair returns after you change your diet to get enough of these nutrients. Another typical cause of hair loss in women is changes in hormone levels. Childbirth, taking birth control pills, or changes in a woman's menstrual cycle can affect the hair growth cycle and cause hair loss. Hair usually will grow back.

Don't worry about it. I have been through this several times. I lost a lot of hair when my grandma died, and after the birth of both of my kids. It always came back.

I am sorry for your loss. If you are very depressed, you should talk to someone. It will help. You can email me anytime if you need someone.

My Hair Loss??

stress does a lot of things to us =I suggest you see a Dr before you lose it all=good luck

My Hair Loss??

Wouldn't worry about this to much. It's pretty normal. Stress can cause your hair to fall out.

Do you straighten or dye your hair alot. If you do it might be time for a break.

Make sure you use good shampoo and conditioner and maybe a hair treatment.

My Hair Loss??

There a lot of reasons why women lose a lot of hair. One is stress, yes; too much stress could affect your hormones.

Or maybe, you閳ユ獧e balding. According to Genetics, men with family history of balding could be experience balding too. Women can experience it, too though it rarely happens, as women閳ユ獨 genes are recessive to this characteristics.

But the most important is to ask your doctor about it. You might have some health problems.


My Hair Loss??

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I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23

2 Kings 2:23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said. "Go on up, you baldhead!" 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

That depends... Are you a prophet of God and are the children knowingly mocking you because you are a prophet?

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

..KOOL... Report It

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

nice of him to turn the other cheek

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

Perhaps you shouldn't mess with a Prophet of God? I suppose that would be the lesson to learn. I'm pretty sure you are not a prophet of God.

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

yes it is wrong.

you cannot alter the word of god.

you must use BEARS.

do pitbulls look like BEARS to you?

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

god must be bald

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

Hello? It says BEARS. Nothing about pitbulls. If you can command bears, then go right ahead.

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

Spare the grizzly, spoil the child?

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

sounds like u need help in more ways then one. last time i checked murder in any form was against the law.

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

Yes, it would be wrong because it's YOU and not God who is doing it.

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

Children can be so cruel. It is wrong for them to laugh at you, but you are the grown up here. And you would go to jail. Plus wouldn't you feel awful?

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

Reason number 117,640 why I'm an Atheist.

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

that is a brutal story of dangerous and evil people. DONT LISTEN TO IT!

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

The words used here that is translated as "youths" or "children" actually refers to young men who were adults by our standards. These men possibly intended harm to the prophet.

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

think of what is going to happen to those who laugh at God now!!

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

It's only wrong if you are a Midianite or Canaanite or ... or ... wait... they were all exterminated by the Israelites... never mind.

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

don't judge this ...In the Bible..God did it...But do are not Elisha....he was a inocent man..who did everything God wanted him to do..for don't have such a leave the kids...By the way..I think I am in love with a bald must love the kids..not the dogs..and this dogs....I think they are run by the lions..are...since Adam..

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

See Sluggo, this is the problem when people attempt to understand the Bible without professional help. Elisha sent BEARS not DOGS. Two completely different species. (Ursa and Lupus). Now if you wish to smite the little impudents, you must smite them in the name of the "Lord", and you need 2 large bears, and you need to live near the woods. Now remember, renting a couple of large bears, and keeping them fed until the little urchins appear, can be rather costly. You may want to just go with a paintball gun. (Corinthians 7)

I am losing my hair. Is it wrong to send my pitbulls to kill children who laugh at me? (2 Kings 2:23-24)?

I guess you should because if it is in the bible, it must be completely moral and would completely translate to modern times. Remember as well, if you take two angels into your home and all the men in your town come to have sex with them, you should definitely offer them your two virgin daughters for them to rape instead.
