Friday, November 27, 2009

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

we got his off of craigs list . they have him on a samon dog food ,tryed lam but made him more itche. what should i feed him and how do i get his hair loss under control?

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

if they had him on salmon food it is more than likely he has allergies. the fish and potato/sweet potato foods are for allergy problems. put him back on the food he was on and see what happens. they should have told you when you got the dog but probably were afraid you wouldn't take him. it may take up to a week for itching to stop. if it doesn't get to the vet.

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

You need to bring him to the vet if he;s itchy and losing hair. Could be parasites....mange.

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

it sounds like mange you should get him to a vet to be treated because it can get to a point where it is un bearable for him/her .

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

take him to the vet or cal them and ask them if he might have the mange

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

Possible mange if the hair loss is so severe.

See the vet soon!

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

It could be mange, but also, he could just have dry skin.... Try giving him fish oil in his food (it smells bad, but mix it with food). The fish oil is supposed to add more oil into their skin and hair, but take him to the vet to make sure its not mange. good luck

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

It sounds like it has mange. Take it to the vet to get treated. And I'd suggest feeding him dog food because I have no clue what "samon, and lam" are.

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

Besides taking him to the vet - which is important to rule out any medical problem, we had a similar problem with our dog.

We added a food supplement to his water and within two weeks, his skin started healing, the itching stopped, and his hair was noticeably growing back. As a bonus, he became more active, and we noticed that he didn't have fleas anymore. The supplement we used is in the link below.

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

What color is he? Black dogs have more skin allergies than others. The dog probably has an allergy. Try feeding him rice and boiled chicken for a week and see if he improves. You can buy whole chickens, put it in a big pot, cover with water and boil w/cover on for 1 1/2 hours, don't let it run out of water. Corn, wheat, and soy are things that alot of dogs are allergic to - check to see if that is in his food. Once you find a food w/o corn, wheat, or soy, you can start giving him the new kibble with the boiled chicken (instead of the rice). Since dog kibble doesn't have enough protein in it (in my opinion) I think you should feed your dog good holistic kibble topped w/boiled chicken indefinitely once you get him through this problem. Also, consider giving him a vitamin tablet - made in the USA - like Nutri-vet brand. In the wild, a coyote or wolf eats mainly protein, not carbohydrate - mass produced dog food - even canned food - is 80% carbohydrate. It should be 20%. That's why I supplement my dogs kibble with boiled chicken, deboned, of course.

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

I would bring him to the vet it might be a skin allergy. Our lab had an allergy and when we brought her to the vet he gave us antibiotics and some medicated shampoo for her.

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

Yes you need to take your dog to your vet but I have a Bull Mastiff /chow mix and the Vet gave me a anti itch shampoo and told me to give her a bendyril cap. twice a day but of course your dog may have something different Good Luck and isn't he a really COOL DOG !!!!!!!!!!!

I have a 8 year old male bull mastiff he is losing his hair and is very

Take him to the vet %26amp; have his thyroid checked. Have them do a full thyroid panel, not just a T3,T4. Have them send it off to Michigan State University for analysis. You can also run an allergy screen to see what if anything he is allergic to.

You may also want to try adding canned mackeral to his diet, as he may be deficient in Omega fatty acids.

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