Saturday, November 28, 2009

My cat is losing the hair on the outside of his ears?

At first it was one ear and about ten days later, the other. They feel a little warm to me but I don't recall the prior temperature. It doesn't seem to bother him. He is 9 months old and we live in the northwest where the temperature has been around 32-40 degrees lately. He is an indoor/outdoor cat. Any ideas???? (His ears appear clean on the inside. Also they are not flaky but sort of dry)

My cat is losing the hair on the outside of his ears?

Like she said, it could be an Allergic Reaction, thats probably the most likely. Another possiblity is an inner ear infection. These dont always appear obvious.

Do you have any other pets? I know someone who had a cat that would lick the hair off the other cats ears.

If it is not flakey, then I wouldn't immediatly be concerned about a fungus. Also, if they don't itch then flea's are probably not the problem.

The only other thing I would be worried about is ring worm. If you have a black light, take him to a dark room and shine it over his ears if there are any glowing specks, take him into the vet office as that could be ringworms.

If it doesnt go away, try taking him to the vet and getting a skin scrapping.

Hope that this helps!

My cat is losing the hair on the outside of his ears?

If his ears are clean, chances are it's not ear mites. It could be an allergic reaction to something: my oldest cat lost patches of fur around the base of his ears and when we took him to the vet we discovered that he has a severe flea allergy. He now needs a shot twice a year. You should probably have a vet examine your cats ears.

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