Friday, November 27, 2009

Why is my golden retriever losing her hair?

This seemed to have started when she was spayed? Her fur is now in patches, the skin darkens where the hairs fall out. The vet has found nothing wrong with her. Freshly prepared food does not seem to help.

Why is my golden retriever losing her hair?

Your golden girl is going through a hugh hormonal change after being sprayed. I think this can be the reason for the fur loss. Also it is the right time of year for the shedding of the winter coat also. Keep up on the brushing and if the skin doesn't return to normal color then I would suggest seeing another vet and have her allergy tested.

Why is my golden retriever losing her hair?

This sounds like it could be "hot spots" in which there is medicated shampoo you could use or it could be the mange, but surely your vet could've told you that.... If not I think I would seek a second opinion from a different vet.

Why is my golden retriever losing her hair?

I have had the same problem before in the past with my lab. My vet said that it was her nerves, and had to give her a allergy shot. This might be something for you to look into. If she does not have mange, which she obviously does not; then, this would be the next option that I would be considering. My lab is doing much better, and her "spots" are starting to clear up. Oh, also, you might have her checked for "hot spots." This is very similar to a nervous habit.

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