it started last week, the vet said it was an allergic reaction to fleas, but she is 8 years old and has had fleas before and never had this, her skin is red and scabs from where she has been chewing at it. We have also been at the same place her whole life, so could it be an environmental allergy. (pollens etc) she didnt eat for 24 hours and did a poo full of dog hair, there is alot hair falling out,
are there any home remedies to sooth the skin???
please help.
HELP! My mini foxie is losing her hair?
It is quiet possible that she has developed allergies to fleas.
I had an older dog that developed flea allergies and she looked pitiful with her hair falling out.
If you have not changed her food or anything, then fleas are a good place to start looking for the cause.
I don't know of any home remedies, but 'EPI-SOOTHE' dog shampoo works great!
Your vet may also recommend a diet change for her that will help with the itches. Take his recommendations, he has no reason to steer you wrong. Take her in for a 2nd opinion and see what the other vet says.
You can try children's benedril also, but your vet will need to tell you how much to give.
If it is decided that it is flea (or other) allergies... your vet may put her on a low dose of some type of steroidal medication (like prednisone) given 1 time per day to start then every other day... for long term... We had good luck with that.
If you do not trust your vet find one you do, they are there for the love of animals and are your pets best chance.
HELP! My mini foxie is losing her hair?
Did the vet check her for mange? Have that done to if not. And get her some flea control.
Try Aloe and Oatmeal dog shampoos to skin soothing. Also start feeding her fish oil capsules. You can find all of this at the pet stores.
HELP! My mini foxie is losing her hair?
The dogs immune system can change over the years. They can become more prone to allergies. It is quite common and fox terriers are very prone to skin issues. One of our patients looses her hair if we vaccinate in the same location more than once.
This won't help with hair loss but will help with skin condition. A lot of vets sell a product called 3V- caps or liquid. It is an omega supplement that really helps with the itchies. My dog takes it for food allergies. It works well, especially when she gets in the cat food and stirs up her allergies.
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