she does not have diareha but here pooh is normal looking just sticky
My boer goat is losing alot of hair when brushed. She has no bald spots. What could it be??
It sounds like she is shedding out her winter undercoat. Some goats grow more of an undercoat than others and the shedding is more noticeable.
As far as her poo...has her diet changed at all? Such as a different kind of hay or pasture? Or a new kind of grain? That will cause the sticky poo. It can also be caused by worms, so if you haven't wormed her yet this spring I would recommend you to do it soon.
My boer goat is losing alot of hair when brushed. She has no bald spots. What could it be??
My Pygmy is the same way every year but he does get bald spots we have never taken him to the vet for it and after a while his hair grows back thick hes 5 years old and other then the hair thing every year he is perfectly healthy! i think it is just him shedding out his winter fur. Good Luck!
My boer goat is losing alot of hair when brushed. She has no bald spots. What could it be??
losing her winter coat sweetie
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