It started with a patch on his stomach, and now he is losing it on his back legs. We recently moved from Alabama to Arizona, and I am thinking it may be the climate change perhaps? I know it has surely affected my skin!I
I wondered at first if it might be stress, but we have moved before and it didn't seem to bother him. We have been living here for about 3 months now.
Has this happened to anyone else's cat? He is only 2 years old, so I know it doesn't have anything to do with old age.
Does anyone know why my cat is losing his hair?
You've just moved from a hot, humid climate to a hot, dry climate. It may be due to climate change. If it keeps progressing, I would have the vet check it. Maybe you could try running a humidifier in the house to see if that helps any. I hope your kitty gets better.
Does anyone know why my cat is losing his hair?
Sounds like allergies. Take him to the vet and they can give him medicine that will treat it.
Does anyone know why my cat is losing his hair?
he proberly stressed.
Does anyone know why my cat is losing his hair?
i dont nou
Does anyone know why my cat is losing his hair?
It could be a fungus infection on the skin called ring worm. It's transmittable to humans and it starts as a ring on the outside and crusty pale skin on the inside; however this is not always the case and it may be difficult to find any pattern. Itching and hair loss are both symptoms. My kitten had this and it started with hair loss and the skin seemed pink. The only way you can know for sure is to check in with the vet.
Does anyone know why my cat is losing his hair?
I work at a vet hospital and Ive seen this a lot and even looked at it under the microscope because im in vet school. And it sounds like your cat has mites. Got to a vet and they will take a sample and check for mites and then they can give you certain treatment options. Sometimes mites can be chronic and you make need to retreat your cat several times a year.
Does anyone know why my cat is losing his hair?
i would say stress. sence you just moved.
Does anyone know why my cat is losing his hair?
Definately stress. The cat isn't losing his fur, he's actually grooming/chewing it off (called barbering). You may not have noticed him doing this himself, but chances are if you keep a close eye on him, you'll see him spending a lot of time grooming these areas. If it gets quite bad the Vet will usually give a steriod injection to "calm" down his immune system. It is however, worthwhile to check him for fleas. There may have been fleas left behind by the previous owner. Although fleas tend to cause hair loss over the lower back and tail area. The belly and down the inner thighs is a commonly barbered area in stressed cats, and also in cats with food allergies. You can rule out a flea problem at home, then let the Vet deal with the stress issue.
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